Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

Just start by saying “I hear you, God!” I have to say that recently, I have come across more podcasts or devotions or heard more sermons that have both spoken deeply to my soul and convicted me.

This weekend, my pastor, CJ Johnson, said some thing that really spoke to me. In the midst of everything amazing he was saying, I heard him describe traction and distraction in our lives.

First we need to understand what the prefix dis- means. Think of the many words you know such as dis-gusting, dis-obey, dis-grace, dis-like… so many more.


Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force

Now for the real truth.

When you are gaining traction, Satan will send you dis-tractions

Pastor CJ Johnson

So true though! And distraction aren’t always ‘negative’ things that you’re doing. The obvious things like scrolling mindlessly on social media or lazily watching television come to mind but what about things like over scheduling and over focusing on your children or your husband? Or over volunteering? On the surface these things are good but are you saying you don’t have time to read your Bible because of them? Are all these things keeping you from building a relationship with God? Or without focusing on religion,even any other people?

I’ve told myself hundreds (probably millions) of times that I just don’t have time to exercise but the truth is we make time for the things we see as important. We make time for those things we truly value and we led dis-tractions- negative things to take away. I want to eat healthier but I just don’t have the time to meal prep. I want to learn a language but I just have too much going on at work. I want to volunteer more but I’m just too busy. Satan has filled my mind with so many distractions (and lies) that I’m being pulled away from the good things I could be doing.

Isn’t it so easy to see when it’s laid out like this?! I heard myself saying “Duh, you big dummy.” None the less, we let distractions take us away from what’s really important and it’s even more when we’re pulling towards God and when we’re doing His will! Satan does NOT want us doing God’s work so the more we do it, the more we push into His will, the more distractions Satan will send our way!

So it’s our responsibility to be diligent! Be strong. Be faithful and don’t let Satan distract us. Work hard at whatever work you’re doing. Put people at the top of your priority list – not work. Do the things and be the good!

BeYOUtiful ❤️

Monday Morning Motivaiton

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

Over this past week I was fortunate enough to spend an entire day (8 full hours) listening to numerous Biblical leaders reminding me who I am and what I am called to be. One of the things that really hit me was the idea that I am a minister on mission every single day and my work is worship (David and Jason Benham). Each and every day I am called to minister to those I come in contact with- both with my words and with my actions.

So often we hear people talk about going on a ‘mission trip’ and doing amazing things for the Kindgom- and I do not for 1 minute want to l say that this is not truly amazing and that it is not absolutely important, but can I tell you something? You are going on a ‘mission trip’ every single day when you leave your home and go to wherever it is you work. Every morning I leave the safety of my peaceful home and I go out into the unknown where I will encounter people who don’t think like I do, don’t act like I do, and don’t like me the way my family does and I’m not only supposed to survive I’m supposed to find a way to THRIVE. My mission field each and every day is the school building that I work in and my primary form of worship is to show others who I am and who it is that I serve. I don’t have to go thousands of miles and cross oceans to be a missionary… I just have to drive 7 miles across town!

With that being said, the idea that I am on mission every day is scary. When you go on a mission trip not only are you going with other likeminded people who are excited to share the same adventure you are it’s likely that you have prepared yourself in such a way that you’re going to not only fill someone else with your sheer presence you’re going to be filled in ways you never imagined. Do you feel any of these things when you make your daily commute to work? I know that there are days that I prepare my mind for a meeting I might have or a special event that is happening that day, but I don’t regularly prepare my heart for the mission I’m being sent on that day. I don’t regularly prepare my heart to be kind and compassionate. I don’t regularly prepare my heart to love the people I’m getting ready to encounter regardless of their circumstances. I don’t regularly prepare my heart to pour our grace and understanding to my co-workers. Why not?! If I was headed to Guatemala or Nicaragua to help build homes for I would prepare my heart to be all of these things. Why are those people more worthy of my ‘missionary’s heart’ than the people I work with every single day? They aren’t.

My problem is that I’m not seeing my work as a mission field. I’m not seeing my work as a ministry and I’m not seeing how I am every single day as worship!


 to honor or show reverence for a divine being or supernatural power, or to regard with great respect, honor, or devotion.

Merriam Webster

If every good and perfect thing comes from above (James 1: 17) then doesn’t it make sense that we should show reverence to the God who gave us everything we have? Even the job we might not want to have or the co-workers we might not always enjoy working with. The God who created me also created the people I work with and the God who began a good work in me is working in the people I work with as well. Each and every day I go to work it is not only my responsibility to show them the God that I love but it’s also my responsibility to honor him with all that I say and do.

If I went to work each day with the same attitude that I had when I was in high school on that mission trip to Mexico I would not only leave my co-workers better off than I found them that morning I also would come home each day hearing my God say to me “well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). So as I do into this week I am challenging myself to remember that I am a minister and I am going into the mission field each and every day as I head to work. My mission is to love like God loves, to show grace like God shows grace, and to be the hands and feet for God her on Earth!

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

Extraordinary acts of God, often start with ordinary acts of obedience.

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how often we live more for people than to live for God. We are often more concerned with what other people think about us than we are about pleasing God and doing what he is calling us to do. I have naturally always been a people pleaser. I wouldn’t say that I’m overly concerned about if people like me or not, but ultimately I don’t like to step on toes or ruffle feathers unless it’s absolutely necessary. If it’s not something I truly have a feeling about I will often just ignore it or let it go.

I heard a pastor once say that obsessing about what people think about you is the quickest way to forget what God thinks about you, but obsessing about what God thinks about you is the a way to forget about what people think about you. If you are constantly trying to live for the approval of man, you cannot be a servant of Christ. If you are constantly trying to please a parent, a spouse, a friend, a boss or anyone here on Earth, you cannot be a servant of Christ.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Matthew 6:24-26

It is not possible to please everyone if you are living for God. The world is full of darkness and the darkness hates the light… this means people will hate you! If you’re a servant of God. If you are not ready to be criticized by people, than you are not ready to be used by God. Being in the middle of God’s will things like abstaining from sexual immorality, giving thanks in everything, or even doing good although you might suffer from it. A weak-willed person or a person who is worried about what other’s will think will struggle with these things. Paul said that he intentionally disciplined himself, he trained himself, so he would be able to control his fleshly desires and fulfill the ministry to which God had called him: “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27).

Those who are Christ-followers have the Holy Spirit to help us make the right choices and to remind us who we are. This leaves us only one thing to do- submit our will and choose to obey God. Not choose to please man. Not choose to fit in. Chose to obey God. It was never said that this choice is easy- quit opposite, we were told it is hard.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Matthew 7:13-14

Choose today whom you will serve. BeYOUtiful -❤️

Monday (Morning) Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

Over the past few weeks I have been trying to be more intentional. More intentional with my time, with my words, with my affection, and with my dreams… with so many things. This week I am finding that I have not been intentional about a few things that truly mean a lot to me. I’ve allowed the chaos of life and the busy days to get the best of me and I’ve not been intentional about the one thing that I know changes everything about me and my day.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances…” “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

The Bible tells me that whatever I asked for I will receive ( Mark 11:24 and Romans 8:28) and that I am not to be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6) because my God hears me and answers my prayers (Matthew 7:7-11 and Mark 11:24).

The Bible also tells me that prayer will give me strength (Romans 8:26), hope (Jeremiah 33:3) guidance (James 1:5 ) and even healing(3John 1:2 and James 5:3)! So tell me, why would I not use the greatest tool I have every single day?! Tell me why I am not leaning on the one thing that will give me strength, hope, guidance, and healing?!

I am human…


I am constantly believing that I am in control, I can fix and solve all things, and hi, don’t need any help. I am wrong. On top of that, I allow the chaos, the struggles, and the craziness of my daily life to take over and keep me from doing the one thing that I know will give me peace. For me, I know that prayer gives me strength. I know the prayer gives me hope. I know that prayer heals physical and mental wounds. This week I will be more intentional. This week I will start each day with the one thing that I know will set my mind and heart at peace and will prepare me for whatever the day brings.

Is there something that you need to be more intentional about? Is there something that you know needs to play a bigger role in your life but you’re pushing it aside for whatever reason? This week I ask you to think about what is most important and I ask you to be intentional. Be intentional with your time. Be intentional With your gifts. Be intentional with your love.

BeYOUtiful ❤️

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

After my first week back to school in 3 months, I feel like this week’s sermon was so appropriate! Have you ever wondered why it can often feel as if the pressure and the pain of everyday life can seem to be too much to handle? Have you ever thought about how pressure actually benefits us?

So yesterday my pastor was talking about how we handle ourselves (as Christians) in the workplace and he said that he believes that there are 3 key pieces that we must consider: pace, pressure and pain. For me the connection immediately brought me to life in general. At what pace does it feel like the walls keep closing in? Does it feel like the obstacles are just being hurdled at us in break-neck speed? Sometimes it does. How much pressure does it feel like you’re under? Is your chest so heavy you can barely catch your breath or are you just a little winded? Lastly, how much pain are you feeling? Is if simply uncomfortable or do you feel as if you’ve been run over by a dump truck?

“Can you manage the things that you’re facing at a greater pace, with greater pressure, facing greater pain?”

Pastor CJ Johnson

Endurance is critical! We will rise to the threshold of our pain. What is your threshold? I know that I experience seasons where my threshold is not what I wish it was. There are seasons where I know I can’t handle the pressure the way I might have been able to in the past and the reality is the pain just feels too overwhelming. But I also know that it’s the times when I endured the most that I can look at the road I was on and I can now enjoy the most… I endured, I grew, and I was strengthened.

It makes me think a little about how diamonds are formed. To have a diamond created it requires very high pressures and temperatures. The carbon atoms are squeezed so intensely that they begin touching other atoms and then that pressure creates insurmountable heat which eventually creates a bond that forms a diamond. Over simplified, but the idea is that it takes intense pressure and heat (pain) over an extended amount of time to form something we consider to be beautiful! Yep, just like us! In the end that pressure and that pain that we are experiencing in our lives can create something truly beautiful. We are learning, growing, and become something new and exciting. It seems that it is correct- under the right amount of pressure, pain and time we are made beautiful so when life gets hard just remember that you are becoming BeYOUtiful

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

As you know, I have been on medical leave for the past 3 months! I was not allowed to drive for 97 days and have missed a total of 60 days of school… it has been a LONG leave of absence! Barring any unforeseen challenges at the doctor today, that leave ends tomorrow.

Returning to work leaves me with a multitude of emotions. If I’m honest, it’s rollercoaster and it can have very sudden and unexpected dips and turns. I am so excited to get back to my students, to my classroom, and to my routine, but I am also so anxious for each of those same things. I know that with my return there will still be some restrictions and physical limitations for a brief time, but also I’ve been out a long time so there are silly thoughts like “what if they’re not excited to have me back?” or “what if things went better without me?” These are the thoughts that hurt. These are the thoughts that I have to not simply push back but BANISH from my heart and mind.

Far too often we allow others to determine our worth and that’s exactly what these statements are doing. I’m allowing a fickle middle school student and their reaction to my return to determine how I feel. Then even worse than that I’m allowing myself to think that both my students and my colleagues were better off without me! WRONG!

I know full well that I am good at my job! I know full well that my students have missed me- they’ve sent me messages and so have their parent! And I know full well my colleagues are looking forward to having me back because they’ve texted me countdowns, messages, and encouragements all throughout. Yet I have allowed crazy thoughts to invade my brain. Even if there are a few people who might feel these negative sentiments they aren’t the majority. Even if they are, they shouldn’t determine how I feel about myself! It is so easy to look at ourselves in comparison to others and allow that to determine our worth. We’re not pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough, skinny enough, popular enough, wealthy enough… the list goes on! None of these things determine our worth!

You are valuable because of who you are. You are made in God’s image, according to His likeness 

Genesis 1:26

I am priceless just because I am ME! No one on this earth can change the fact that I am worthy simply by birth. I am enough because I was created by the King of the Universe. No one else’s opinion of me- even an inaccurate one that I tell myself, changes the fact that I am loved and He has called me worthy from the beginning of my life. 

As I began to focus on this information, I immediately felt my shoulders rest, my breath slow, and my heart feel calmer. Why do we do this? Why do we allow other people to invade the space that God created and tear us down? Why do we struggle so much to accept that we are good? We are enough. We are worthy.

As I begin this week- this really BIG, BIG week, I am being forced to remind myself not to allow others (even myself) to convince me that I am worth less than I am. If you struggle with allow others to control the picture you see of yourself, please take a moment today to tell yourself differently. Maybe you need to write yourself a message on the bathroom mirror or attach a post-it-note to your computer at work so that you don’t forget…

He has called you worthy. You are worthy. We must become

“confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 1:6

BeYOUtiful ❤️

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

This post is for the givers. Those of you who feel like you are constantly pouring into others, but very rarely being poured into yourself. You give all that you have and even some that you don’t have. You do the right thing and give extra help even when no one is watching or showing their appreciation. You love with all of your heart, which means it is often broken in pieces.

Sometimes all of this makes you tired. So so tired.

Don’t stop. Don’t change. Don’t doubt.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Galatians 6:9-10

Sometimes it’s hard. We get tired. Sometimes we hear that small voice whispering “nobody notices, nobody cares, and nobody else is doing it”. But Don’t Stop. Don’t change. Don’t doubt. Doing the right thing isn’t always fun and it definitely isn’t always easy but it IS always best! While those here might not always notice, I promise you the One who counts always notices and He’s so very proud of you! The gifts you give make ripples and even if you don’t see them they’re changing lives. Those ripples are making impacts so keep doing good. Keep fighting. Keep living a life YOU can be proud of.

BeYOUtiful ❤️

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

It is cold. Bitter cold here. And we’re expecting layers of freezing rain but guess what?! It’s a good day! I woke up this morning ready to hit the ground running and even though it’s cold… and it’s MONDAY, somehow, I’m motivated and ready. This is not always how the day starts and definitely not how things have been recently. As I’ve shared, I’ve been recovering from some pretty major surgery and because of that I’ve been largely immobile. Not being able to drive- or even walk for the past 3 months has been PAINFUL (and I don’t mean it’s physically hurt). I knew the recovery would be long and difficult, but I really didn’t understand the mental drain it would take on me. I feel like I have had to dig myself out of a hole I’ve laid in too many times to count over the past few months… but today

Yep, today I choose Joy! I choose to be grateful. I choose to think of all the positives. I choose to be persistent. I don’t know what kind of pep talk you need today or why, but can I just say that no matter what has happened, what you’ve done/said/thought, no matter who you are, no matter what you face you are still GOOD! Nothing can change that. A bad choice doesn’t make you bad… you were smart, brave, blessed and good before and you will always continue to be those things. You were created with a purpose and for a purpose and nothing can take that away. No one- not even you. No decision you make. No pain you’ve caused. You are good. You are awesome. You are worthy. You are always enough. So choose Joy. Choosing Joy doesn’t mean you’re putting on a fake smile and pretending that life isn’t tough. Joy is a deep source of happiness and gratitude. Joy isn’t always rainbows and sunshine, but it means that deep down in your soul you are content, you are filled with an abounding hope and knowledge that it is well. Even when it’s not well you know it is well because it could be worse and no matter how bad it is there’s a plan and a purpose for your life. Believe me, I know this isn’t always easy and finding that Joy that sits deep within your heart takes time, prayer and persistence. It’s worth it.

Today I encourage you to shift your mindset from worry to hope, shift your frustrations to gratitude and choose Joy. Find something today that makes you smile no matter how hard it is, no matter how faint the smile may be. Begin to see Joy in the small things each day and watch the changes that happen in you and in your soul.

BeYOUtiful ❤️

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

In the past week I have begun studying a woman named Ruth from the Bible. Ruth was a Moabite woman whose husband had moved her to Moab to escape the famine in Judah but when she became a widow she followed her mother-in-law back to homeland of Bethlehem to take care of her in her old age. Not only did this mean that Ruth was devoting her life to a woman she was not related to by blood AND it meant she would be going to a foreign land she knew nothing about. In these times, it was customary that the men took care of the women so not only was Ruth left without the husband that she had loved she was left with no one to care for her and her mother-in-law. There was no one to provide them food or money or any other necessities that life would bring. While I am constantly in awe of the selflessness of Ruth – her willingness to not only commit to care for her mother-in-law but also to do it in a land she didn’t know! I don’t believe I’m that good of a human being. The real part of this study that I was drawn to is learning the Hebrew word hesed.


 When someone went beyond what was required or expected, showing special kindness, love, mercy, and devotion. Hesed is said to demonstrate true love and commitment without any strings attached.

Ray Clendenen, Senior Editor of Bible and Reference Publishing, Lifeway

What an incredible thing. To show an overwhelming love and commitment to someone and expect nothing in return?! Who does that?! Hesed is commonly used when describing God’s feelings for us, but it is rare that we would see this word describing someone else. Ruth was said to show hesed. Ruth went to Boaz for only one reason; to earn provision for Naomi and herself.  Everything she did was selfless.  She was bent on doing all she could to ensure Naomi’s survival. It was Ruth’s responsibility as a fellow human being to do the hesed she did for Naomi, but no one would have blamed her for going her own way.  Ruth’s hesed was heroic because it is sadly out of character for one human to do such loving acts to another human, (though we oddly refer to her acts as humane.) If we are said to be made in the image of God why is showing hesed so difficult for us? Sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden and you know the rest of the story… But it’s not impossible for humans to act in a way that is humane or to show hesed simply out of love for our fellow man. We often choose not to do so. We choose to look out for ourselves first. We choose to do things that are above and beyond only when we know we’ll benefit in some way. How heartbreaking. How disgusting.

I love learning and I love being introduced to new things (cautiously but I do enjoy it). The concept of giving without expecting in return is not new, but being able to tie it to a new word like hesed changes it for me. It someone how puts a stronger emphasis on action. Somehow makes it that much more import to do. 

As I begin this week with my new found word I am going to try and really focus on acting out hesed in my daily life. I want to be more like Him and I want to show a love and devotion to other human beings because like me, they were created by Him. It doesn’t matter what they’ve done, who they are or how they act for God to love them- they (we) are His children and just like with my own children, I don’t love because of anything except the fact that I am their parent. Hesed.

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday morning are a rough start to the week… but they just keep coming. That’s why I came up with Monday Morning Motivation. This way I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning Motivation…

The past few years have been FULL! I know I’ve said that before but they have. Full doesn’t mean bad. Full just means that I feel like I’ve been constantly growing, constantly learning and constantly challenged. From a new solid, real and forever relationship to ‘new’ children to building my classroom in at a new grade level to sending my 2nd son to college… it’s been Full.

In addition to all the day to day, I had been dealing with what could only be described as chronic pain. My right foot hurt whenever I would walk. It was swollen all the time and then all of a sudden I found it was hurting even when I wasn’t walking. MANY doctor visits later and MANY conversations where I just kept saying “something isn’t right, I feel like I’m 80 and I’m not even 50 yet” finally led to the answer… arthritis. What?! Yes, osteoarthritis in my foot and ankle.

Did you know that 60 million adults are diagnosed with arthritis and 300,000 kids have juvenile arthritis? Did you know that 1 in 4 adults have some type of arthritis and that there are over 100 different arthritis related conditions? This is not a disease that simply affects ‘old’ people! This disease is the is the leading cause of disability in the U.S and I now know that I have two different forms.

Having an ‘answer’ to the pain was fantastic … and terrible all at the same time. Now I had to begin managing the pain and dealing with the damage that had already been done. Over the next 18 months I would learn that I had absolutely no cartilage left in my right foot, that my subtalar joint (my heel bone) was floating and rubbing bone against bone with the top of my foot, shards of bones were creating spurs on both sides of my foot and shredding the tendon on the outside of my ankle and that because the pain caused me to not walk properly, my right calf muscle had contracted and pulled up into my leg causing a tightening that was excruciating. The short answer- surgery. Major Surgery. So in October I had a major joint fusion surgery on my right foot as well as calf lengthening. Bone spurs were removed, my calf was stretched back out and 2 metal screws are now holding my heel bones to the bones on the top of my foot. Eight full weeks on non weight bearing activities. No walking, no showering for 4 weeks, sleeping in a massive splint then boot only to find out that at 9 weeks I would basically have to reteach my foot to move again. 

At week 11, I’m still only at 50% weight bearing which means I still use a walker or crutches, I still am sitting at home and not at work, and I still feel like I’m 80 years old some days. But I’m better. I’m mending. I’m fighting and I’m working towards a goal- multiple goals! My first goal is to heal! To be able to safely and confidently walk… without pain! Goal 2 is to spread the word about Arthritis! Teach people what it is, how and who it affects and what they can do to help the cause. As with anything in life education is the first step and it’s my desire- my purpose, to begin educating people.

If you want to get involved here’s a place to start…

Lisa’s LifeGroup Fundraising for 2024 Walk to Cure Arthritis